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Fast Acting Weed and Grass Killer Concentrate.

Available in 10 litre and 200 litre sizes.

EcoClearâ„¢ Fast Acting Weed and Grass Killer is a postemergent, foliar active, vegetation management product formulated to contain organic acids that are components of vinegar and lemon juice.

It is non-selective to green foliage and non-residual in soil.

EcoClearâ„¢ Fast Acting Weed and Grass Killer is recommended for the control of herbaceous broadleaf and grassy weeds on land areas, such as: sidewalks, driveways and patios; railroad rights-of-way, power stations, and industrial sites; around farm buildings, storage areas, tank farms, greenhouses, plant nurseries and golf courses; and in fencerows and vacant lots. Foliar contact results in rapid burndown of weeds.

EcoClearâ„¢ Weed and Grass Killer will kill seedling weeds rapidly. Older mature weeds may require second application within 5 days. Desirable plants such as grass that have been sprayed may recover slowly. Spraying at the center of the dandelions will limit grass damage. To be most effective plants must be sprayed to run-off so that the spray contacts root area. Under spraying will result in poor kill with rapid re-growth.

EcoClearâ„¢ Weed and Grass Killer is non-selective. Only weeds that are growing will be killed. It has no residual activity. Its active ingredients are rapidly neutralized by contact with the soil. It will not change pH since the ingredients are used as a food source by soil microorganisms.

EcoClearâ„¢ Weed and Grass Killer can be sprayed anytime even under cool conditions as long as weeds are not wet.

EcoClear comes in the following sizes:

  • 10 Litre Jug

  • 200 Litre Drum

EcoClearâ„¢ is diluted with 5L of water for every 1L of EcoClear.

Important: To achieve best results the entire weed surface must be covered with EcoClearâ„¢, the product will only work on contacted areas.

Remember Coverage is Critical!

Before using: read label directions.

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